Marketing Internship at Stirling Warrington

Original post date: July 28, 2023
Dillon Panchal

This summer I’ve had the pleasure to intern at Stirling Warrington, supporting the marketing team. 

Coming into the role, I didn’t know much about engineering and recruitment, but that only lasted about 10 minutes! Surrounded by a team of enthusiastic recruitment consultants, I learnt about the industry so quickly!

What Does A Marketing Intern Do?

Well at Stirling Warrington, as soon as I joined, I was assigned a project which I had full control over. It was nice knowing that both Hannah and Chloe trusted me to have sole responsibility over my own project.  

Over the 6 weeks, I was given other mini-projects to complete. And this is where I learnt so much valuable information! 

One of the smaller projects that was assigned to me was writing and planning a blog. Hannah provided me with all the training needed to succeed in the process.  

Learning about SEO marketing and copywriting through this, I have become familiar with SEO programmes such as: 

  • SEMrush 
  • Answer the Public  
  • Moz 

This was one of my favourite tasks, as I had to learn the process of SEO and adapt it to the topic of my blog. Below I have shown the SEO process I used for my blog.

4 Stage Diagram of the SEO Process
4 Stage SEO Process

Creating videography content was also a part of my role. From day one, the team encouraged me to get my hands on the camera and make content! I quickly gained a thorough understanding of editing software like: 

  • Premiere Pro 
  • Cap Cut

Finally, I was given the opportunity to create my own email marketing campaign. When doing this I became knowledgeable in email marketing programmes like Mail Chimp. Creating workflows for a campaign was difficult, but once finished it was truly rewarding.  

If I were to change anything about my internship, it would be for me to get stuck in sooner. Remember that your time here is limited, so take every opportunity to learn and become better.

Below I have given my top tips on how to get the most out of your time at Stirling Warrington.

5 Top Tips: How To Get The Most Out Of Your Marketing Internship

My top tips to ensure that you get the most out of an internship at Stirling Warrington are:

Take Every Opportunity  

Don’t be afraid, remember that your team will support you every step of the way. Jump right into the deep end and embrace the challenge.

Ask Questions  

If you are unsure about anything your team will be more than happy to help, which I learnt on many occasions.

Research The Company  

Knowing about where you are going to work and the values will make your experience 100x better! You’ll be able to fit in and get involved sooner.

Keep Track Of Your Projects  

Note down and take pictures of the process of your projects. Seeing all the progress you’ve made is great. And it’s good to use for your portfolio!

Ask For Feedback  

Your team will be more than happy to give you constructive criticism. Ultimately it only helps you become better at what you’re doing.


Through this internship I have learnt the importance of marketing in any industry, and how much it can truly boost the image of your company.

I have thoroughly enjoyed my short but sweet internship. My time at Stirling Warrington will always be so valuable to me. As I’ve grown so much as a marketer through the challenging projects I was assigned. I couldn’t have done it with any other team. Thank you so much!