the trick in life is keeping things simple

It’s the same with recruitment. If you’re reading this you may have an interest in streamlining your recruitment, taking the pain out of your hiring process and ultimately saving time and money.

This is what our recruitment process outsourcing solution aims to do. 

So, what are the benefits of recruitment process outsourcing?

This model is good for you because:

  • Your cost is fixed, allowing you to budget for recruitment in a way you may never have been able to before
  • You know your recruitment partner has a vested interest in hiring the right person for you, not just the first person that comes along
  • A guaranteed reduction in agency spend
  • Professionally copywritten and search-optimised adverts, bespoke to your business
  • Exclusive candidates from those adverts
  • Dedicated point of contact, and regular site visits to make sure you are getting the right value out of our partnership

it really is that simple, cost benefits aside – you will receive a better service than the traditional ‘first past the post’ gunfight that is modern recruitment.




How does our RPO Model Work?

Our RPO Model is really a long-term recruitment strategy for businesses and is focused on you saving on 2 precious resources: Time and Money. Click the sections below to learn more about our service.

We’ve put together the most frequently asked questions we get about Recruitment Process Outsourcing. This section is at the bottom of this page. 

What is involved in our RPO service?

If you’re using our off-site or virtual RPO model, it starts with us coming down to your site to complete a recruitment assessment. We’ll then use this to create a bespoke recruitment campaign that covers resourcing, candidate assessment, your employer value proposition and recruitment marketing (there’s a lot more to it, but that’s an overview of our RPO Service). 

When this is signed off, we will then take control of the recruitment process and start finding the right talent. Depending on the agreement we have in place, we can also cover some aspects of onboarding. However, our skillset is really within the recruitment strategy and process areas.

What Are Our RPO SLAs?

RPO Service Level Agreements (SLA) really are the keystone of a campaign.

But what are they and how do ours work?

Well, like all SLAs, our SLAs form a formal arrangement between our organisations. They provide the framework for the recruitment process (covering areas like our marketing strategy, interviewing process and more) and will outline timescales for completion.

SLA’s shouldn’t be inflexible though, as your needs will evolve. In fact, we found a lot of clients were coming to us unhappy with their existing SLAs, as they were too rigid to the needs of the agency. We didn’t want this to happen with our service, so all of our RPO SLAs will always be tailored to your business and will be set in the initial stages of the process. Additionally, as part of our monthly meetings, we will go through our SLAs to see if we’re on track and make any appropriate amendments.

What Is Our RPO Fee Structure?

Our recruitment process outsourcing Fee Structure will vary from company to company. As is it built to the budget of the employer. However, the fee structure is typically a monthly payment that is set for the duration of the RPO service. The benefit of this fee structure is that you’ll be able to budget effectively and will save money in the long run.

Recruitment Process Outsourcing Examples

The proof is really in the pudding when it comes to RPO models. So, we’ve put together some of our recruitment process outsourcing examples for you. These RPO examples cover everything from the recruitment process we implemented and the results our RPO model delivers.

Frequently Asked Questions about Recruitment Process Outsourcing

Recruitment Process Outsourcing or RPO is where a business will transfer all or part of its hiring procedures to a third party. This is typically a recruitment agency, like us! By doing this, the recruitment agency acts as an extension of the business. Taking control of all of the recruitment processes and even HR functionality.

Recruitment process outsourcing works the exact same as a normal recruitment campaign. All it means is that the RPO provider does all the heavy lifting in Recruitment. Including implementing the right technology and procedures to find the right candidates to match the clients’ requirements. Depending on the extent of the RPO model, this can even include both Resourcing and HR functionalities. Some providers also offer on-site, off-site and virtual RPO Models.

The biggest difference between an RPO model and a Traditional Recruitment Model is who is the driving force behind the process. In a recruitment process outsourcing model, the third party (so us) is the one who is driving the recruitment process forward. Both in terms of strategy and innovation, for example, an RPO provider will also support:

  • Recruitment Analysis Support,
  • Developing strategic sourcing procedures,
  • Enhance your employer branding with consultations, and more.

In comparison, a traditional recruitment model will still lean heavily on the employer, in terms of the process and services. Additionally, RPO services are focused on the long-term growth of a business. Whereas a traditional recruitment model will typically work towards the short-term need.

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