Maintenance Engineer Salaries in Warwickshire
The hiring insights from Q4 (2023) and Q1 (2024) are here! We reviewed 300 Maintenance Engineer job adverts between October and March 2024 and have a great reflection of the market for you.
If you’re new here, we review Maintenance Engineer salaries every 6 months. Bringing you a true reflection of the market right now. Reviewing numerous job boards and looking at every type of shift pattern/bias etc. So, mark the start of October in your diaries for the next reports!
To remind you, the areas I cover are:
Use the links above to skip to each section and see the salary results instantly. Or just scroll through to see an overview of each area.
Overview of My Patch
Average Salary – £42,292 (1.8% increase since previous 6 months)
This average includes all the areas I cover, that don’t really fit into just one region. I focus primarily on Warwickshire but also recruit in Coventry and Banbury.
Around £42K is what I’d expect to see as an average. Bearing in mind I have a few regions that are home to big sites which pay more. But there are also a number of smaller, family run businesses, who hire rarely and offer lower salaries. Either of these could have affected the average and brought it down as a result.
Bear in mind that this includes Days and Monday to Friday shifts which consistently pay lower. And likely brought the average down as a result. Let’s go even more granular.
Shift Average – £43,193
(0.6% decrease since the previous report)
Days Average – £39,029
(4.6% increase since the previous report)
It’s interesting to see the Shift average has decreased and the Days roles have increased so much. I’m not too surprised to see the increase in Days roles. A few years back, £36K was reasonable but now you need to be paying it at the very least for Days.
Most Demanded Shift Pattern was… 4 on 4 off
22% of adverts wanted this shift pattern. I’d say the average for this shift is sitting about right at £45,307 (this is also the highest-paying shift in the patch).
Interestingly, this wasn’t just the most demanded shift in my patch, it was the same for the East Midlands and West Midlands.
And on the other end of the scale, the lowest paying shift pattern was…Days (Mon-Fri) at £38,792.
How does bias affect salary?
Shifts =
1. Multi – £44,472
2. Elec – £43,023
3. Mech – £39,153
This is extremely low for Mechanical. If you’re hiring at £39K for a Mechanical Engineer on Shift work, you’ll be looking for a while. What’s crazy is that this Mechanical salary for Shifts is lower than the average salary Multi-Skilled engineers earn on Days! I would have placed it with Electrical at around £45K. And Multi-Skilled I would look to be closer to £47K for Shifts.
Days =
1. Multi – £39,798
2. Elec – £37,714
3. Mech – £37,350
All 3 of these are lower than I would’ve expected. You tend to see a lot of Days roles looking for an Electrician, but I would place Elec and Mech at above £40K for this shift pattern. And as for Multi, I would put the average at around £43K. They all need to increase and I’d hope to see this change in the next report.
Now let’s take a closer look at the salary details for each area in the patch I cover.
Maintenance Engineer Salary in Nuneaton – £40,823
In comparison to our last report covering April-October, this is a 3.9% decrease. Which is bad. But that was the first time we reviewed salaries in this area. And this time round collected 55% more data.
Nuneaton had 5 shifts on offer, the most common being Mon-Fri Days (44% were offering this shift). This does surprise me, to be honest. There are quite a few big businesses in the area – all offering shifts. But I have noticed an increase in Days roles over the past 6 months. And the average salary for this shift (regardless of bias) is £40,400.
Bias split:
Multi – 69%
Elec – 17%
Mech – 14%
This isn’t what I expected. Especially with Mechanical roles being more demanded in the previous results. I would have expected similar results this time around. It’s interesting to see little variation between Mechanical and Electrical roles.
When it comes to variation in salary between the biases, this is what we found:
These findings just highlight that if you’re paying anywhere near the average. You’re still falling below the mark in terms of competitiveness in the market. Engineers aren’t moving for these averages. Like, £37,000 for fitters is bad. Even though it’s commonly the lowest paid bias, this is not nearly enough.
Maintenance Engineer Salary in Rugby – £42,954
This is a 4.8% decrease since the last report. This seems low. I know Days roles that are paying more than this. It could be down to smaller businesses offering Days roles dragging the average down a bit. But I would expect it to be higher with the big businesses in this area.
Most demanded shift in this area was 4 on 4 off, with 26% of adverts displaying this shift. I honestly thought this would be closer to 30%. The next two in demand were Panama and Rotating, both standing at 17% looking for this shift.
The average salary for popular shifts
4 on 4 off – £45,736
Rotating – £40,563
Panama – £46,188 (highest paying shift in the area)
I was surprised with how much the lowest-paying shift was paying. Days was the lowest for Rugby, standing at £38,701. This is quite good for the lowest-paying shift but is around what I would expect for Days roles in this region.
Let’s look at how bias influences salary:
I’m much happier with these than what we saw in Nuneaton. But a £4k difference between mech and multi is a bit mad.
Maintenance Engineer Salary in Stratford-Upon-Avon – £39,250
Only 4% of our salary data includes ads from Stratford. This is significantly low and not enough for us to make generalisations.
This is an area I don’t know as well. But what I do know is there’s no industry. It’s a lovely place to live but there’s not much industry. Great to see a 5% increase since last time. But there isn’t much going on in this area at the moment. Barely any job adverts for us to get data from, even when including commutable areas.
The most demanded shift type for this area was Mon-Fri Days. With 33% of adverts seeking this shift type. And the average salary sat at £33,617.
Take a look at the average salary for each bias:
These are the lowest averages across my whole patch of areas. Not happy with these at all. But do bear in mind we got limited data in this area so these aren’t as accurate as other findings in this report. Hopefully, the next set will be better so we can provide all these insights for Stratford-upon-Avon.
Maintenance Engineer Salary in Leamington Spa – £45,459
Again, we had a small percentage of ads in Leamington Spa. It’s disappointing that only 6% of ads, (from our 318 sample size) were in this region. However, this average is a 19% increase since the previous report.
Quite a high average compared to the others and a big increase since last time. This may be because there’s a particularly high-paying job in the region at the moment. And there are a few recruitment companies working on it.
Bias averages:
For both Multi and Electrical, this is what I’d expect to see. Sites recruiting here generally pay quite well.
You may be wondering why we’ve not given you an average for Mech roles. It’s because there were ZERO averts for mechanical maintenance engineers in Leamington Spa. It’s not an industrial hub, it’s a lovely suburb so this is expected.
Overview of Surrounding Areas
The surrounding areas I cover are Coventry and Banbury. Let’s take a look at the figures for both of these areas.
Maintenance Engineer Salary in Banbury – £43,982
Banbury has seen a small 0.9% increase since the last report.
There are a couple of really small companies in this area, who are miles behind the curve. Offering lower salaries and not realising how far off the mark they are.
The most demanded shift type was 4 on 4 off, with 39% of ads seeking this shift. With the salary at £45,323.
This isn’t great for Banbury, I don’t know anywhere in this area that recruits shift engineers below £50K.
In terms of biases, the highest to lowest is…
Elec is where I’d expect it to be. But Multi is shocking, this reflects Days not Shifts. I would have placed the average at about £45K for Shifts.
Maintenance Engineer Salary in Coventry – £41,854
This is where I’d expect it to be. Really great to see a 3% increase in this average since the previous 6 months. As previously, it had decreased by over 2%.
After finding a lot of insightful salary information in Coventry. We decided to give it a blog of its own. Use the button below to head to an in-depth salary report for Coventry.
What is going to happen with salaries in my patch of areas?
There isn’t a ‘one size fits all’ salary. It is pretty dependent on your area, and the sites operating in it. There are a lot of big players out there who are paying along the right lines for engineers. But on the same hand, there are a few small businesses that rarely recruit and take a while to catch up on salary expectations.
If you’re currently recruiting for an engineer or looking to do so soon. Looking at these averages is a great place to start. But they aren’t a complete reflection of the market. As we haven’t taken into account the wages engineers are on. (A lot of the time, this is more than advertised on the job boards. Due to negotiations)
Companies need to stay competitive, and you must keep up with the times. We’ve seen almost every salary average increase since our previous report. And I can’t reiterate enough that sitting at these averages isn’t a good thing. You’ll be falling behind.
What to do next?
This blog provides a summary of the facts we derived from the recent data over Q4 and Q1. But if you’re hungry for more, download the PDF below to uncover a more in-depth report. You can find out about pension, holidays, extra earning potential, salary ranges, and the difference since the previous report.
And don’t forget to come back in October for another round-up of salaries. Don’t be a stranger!
And if you’re in the market for a new job. Make sure to check out our current job vacancies for Maintenance Engineers!